So this week I have been on so many splits to other areas because my companion is the District leader. First i went to the Chinese program helped them tract and i just smiled when it was a Chinese person who answered and they just went at it in a language i have absolutely no understanding of. It was fun. That was Tuesday.
Then Wednesday i went off with one of the Zone leaders so they could do our splits and check up on us. That was fun i went to their area and worked with someone and they became an investigator and wanted to take the lessons. We also worked with an interesting family but the lesson was good not to say the least bit awkward when the Sister brought up that they weren't being intimate enough, but in other very blunt words. Finally we went over to an Hispanic man's house who had just recently lost his daughter to the flu, in a matter of hours she went from healthy to super ill to the other side. supposedly instead of attacking the lungs it attacked her heart. It was super sad but the faith and hop that this man had was absolutely astounding. We were able to talk to him about doing Temple work for his daughter and he became very excited. He wants to be baptized but there are some legal problems as in he doesn't exist here or in Mexico. But with his faith. i know he will endure and enjoy the blessings our Father in Heaven has for him.
Thursday i was back in my area. We did weekly planning but the cool thing is that i got to take the lead in the lesson on teaching a couple of Recent converts because we went on splits with ward missionaries. The Spirit was so sweet and strong there as they talked and i talked and shared scriptures and, i pray, helped them understand the importance of enduring to the end and going to the temple.
Friday i went on splits again. Back to the Chinese program but this time with a different set of Elders. The one i was with had recently been very ill. So we stayed inside and i studied and he rested but then we went to our dinner appointment. I was still surrounded by Chinese and understood like absolutely nothing. It was a lot of fun.
Saturday. uhh i don't remember the days are all blurring together and i forgot to write in my journal.
Sunday. We went to correlation meeting because the Ward mission leader was out of town. that was fun. We also had the opportunity to teach the Gospel Principles class and it was really good. It was much smaller than usual because everyone is sick right now. But I'm doing just fine, no worries. We also tried to tract into some Koreans but that was fun as we started out in English and then slipped into Korean.
The language is coming along slowly because it is hard to use all the time because i am surrounded by English all the time and need to use it to communicate with 95% of the people i come into contact with. I am doing my best to learn it though.
I love the work and the days are flying by right now and it absolutely amazes me.
Spiritual thought. In response to the question How do i know if it is just me or the Holy Ghost telling me to do something? Elder David A. Bednar said "Quit worrying about it... If you are being a Good boy or a good girl then every thought you have is inspired" You know many times actually almost always the Holy Ghost is going to prompt us to do something in such a small way that we wont even feel it. Much less actually realize it. In Alma chapter 7 vs it says "And see that ye have afaith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works." This scripture just reiterates everything that Bednar is teaching us. So people quit worrying about it Follow the commandments trust in God and Hope in all things and you know what you'll do a lot of good with your life
Eldert Craner
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