Tuesday, July 23, 2013

June 10, 2013

So this past week has been good. Our companionship is doing well. A little more stress for now. Nothing but the usual after the general excitement wears off. So we are fine and doing better. It is hard to balance three people teaching though. We are making it work and perfecting it finding what works and what doesn't lots of mistakes but always improving.
Miracle of the week: We walked into church with a Less Active and we were introducing him to members when we were called over to be introduced to some new people that waled into our ward. They introduced themselves to us and then one of them proceeded to ask us to come over and teach her friend. So we have an appointment to teach someone new who basically said "here i am teach me" We're utterly astounded at the way people are prepared and how God will lead them to us and us to them!
Not only that but our other progressing investigator (the less Actives daughter) is progressing phenomenally. It is a lot of fun to try and simplify the doctrine for a 9 year-old without going to far and confusing her. Object lessons help alot too. We are getting quite good at them.
Ask questions i would love to hear from all of you.
Elder Craner
P.S. Mom did you find Italy pictures yet?

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