Tuesday we had our first lesson with someone who checked yes to learn more from Los Angeles English (LAE). Unfortunately, we were unable to give her a church tour because of the BSA 100 year anniversary broadcast. So we taught her the restoration instead and that was a bit more difficult than we anticipated and we had an okay lesson. There are mixed feelings about the lesson the spirit was there and then there were other time where it was just awkward and we struggled to get thoughts out and we stepped on each others toes, However, the Spirit had it's moments where it was powerful and could be felt. However afterwords Elder Jenkins and i talked for a while. We came to the conclusion that like with everything in the world our stumbling block is pride whomever's it was was hindering our ability to teach as a companionship and progress together. We have set goals to be work better together and rely Mir on the Lord so we can do it His way and not ours.
Saturday we were expecting our first student at our new LAE location. However she didn't show. We are wondering if part of the reason that we aren't getting very many calls for the new location is because 1) they assume that it is Korean town because that is what old adds said and they already looked and/or 2) They don't recognize the new location as being super close to where they are. So we are going to do what we can to change that we are not sure how but we will.
Sunday Elder Jenkins and I had a good lesson with our investigator Meg and we were able to clear up any problems about previous lessons that we had taught and teach her the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and well. She her self brought up her concerns about baptism when we re-invited her. 1)She is living with her boyfriend 2) She wants to be financially stable before she starts to pay tithing and 3) she wants to be more sure before she commits to a date. Now the great thing is we have yet to teach any of the commandments but she wants to eventually be baptised and so we will continue to teach her to help her progress. Our goal is to get her to an English Ward in the near future we are working out logistics. She is planning on bringing more people to church with her in the future. 1) An actual Korean(who grew up in Ecuador and speaks Spanish fluently) and 2) another Mongolian friend who has conversational Korean.
Saturday we were expecting our first student at our new LAE location. However she didn't show. We are wondering if part of the reason that we aren't getting very many calls for the new location is because 1) they assume that it is Korean town because that is what old adds said and they already looked and/or 2) They don't recognize the new location as being super close to where they are. So we are going to do what we can to change that we are not sure how but we will.
Sunday Elder Jenkins and I had a good lesson with our investigator Meg and we were able to clear up any problems about previous lessons that we had taught and teach her the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and well. She her self brought up her concerns about baptism when we re-invited her. 1)She is living with her boyfriend 2) She wants to be financially stable before she starts to pay tithing and 3) she wants to be more sure before she commits to a date. Now the great thing is we have yet to teach any of the commandments but she wants to eventually be baptised and so we will continue to teach her to help her progress. Our goal is to get her to an English Ward in the near future we are working out logistics. She is planning on bringing more people to church with her in the future. 1) An actual Korean(who grew up in Ecuador and speaks Spanish fluently) and 2) another Mongolian friend who has conversational Korean.
We also had a really good role play with some members about teaching the restoration. We learned many things about using the pamphlets and teaching simply. It was awesome to see us be able to explain things with pamphlets because we don't get the practice with natives a lot we many times aren't sure how to construct things and of the vocab but the pamphlets help with that because they have it all already. Our goal is to not let them become a crutch and to teach with our own words as well simply and powerfully and with the Spirit.
Elder Craner
Elder Craner
P.S. Transfers are next week
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