This week has been a very good one. We were able to have a lesson on Sunday with Sam at the Visitor Center and it was incredible. All though there were times he couldn't express himself because of his lack of English and our lack of Persian. He felt the Spirit so strongly and well it was simply incredible to see him just desire that change of life that the Book of Mormon gives. He wants to learn so much. He describes it as him being thirsty for knowledge. We are so excited to be teaching him.
We have also been working with the Ganjineh family and they are awesome and they came to the Ward Christmas party. Super cool. They also asked questions at the party about us being volunteers which surprised them and they were wondering if we got payed and such which is awesome and we hope to be able to talk to them more about it as we continue to meet with them.
This past week i had the opportunity to go on splits with both Elder Cockriel and Elder Fry and they both pointed out something that i hadn't seen before. A characteristic trait that we all (the Persian program) share. We like to lead and be in charge and we realized how much of a benefit because it will drive us all to improve and be better. it is but it is funny and interesting to see how that can also cause small problems.
On the personal side i think that sometimes i am too serious and i am working on lightening up. I know i am a tough companion. Anyway. i have just been trying to learn the skills necessary for this new program and trust in the Lord and put him first more so than ever. Because of this i have begun a new reading of the Standard Works with a very specific question.
Elder Craner
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