Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 25th, 2013

Hey y'alls,
I think this week has been a reminder of just how much we have to rely on the Lord. I have also begun to understand Grace and the power it has. Although we don't talk about it much it is something we believe. It for me this past week has been the energy that has pushed to do this amazing work as i'm asleep as soon as i hit the pillow and then my eyes fly open at 6:30 to go runn for 20 minutes and prepare for the day and study then to work. Because of this i really want to study the atonement and Grace so I am going to start at one end of the Standard works and go to the other. Should be fun. I plan on strating on Easter, nice day to study of the atonement right?
rather then day by day this time i am going to tell you of two tendermercies that the Lord gave me this week.
Story #1
So the beggining for all who know me should sound a little familiar. So this one starts on Wednesday. So as we were driving on our way to an area to try to contact some potentials and do some tracting. I had an idea to stop by this one apartment complex, that was on the way and put some of our English class flyers up. So we parked i grabbed one of our flyers with the pull tab thingies on the bottom. We went to talk to the manager to see where and if we could hang some up, but.. he wan't home. So we walked out. However, on the way out i noticed this bench with a sign that said all people wanting to advertise put your stuff here, or somethng to that effect. Then another brilliant idea hit me why dont I go aand put some of our little pass-along flyers there too. So i was getting all excited and i ran out to the car popped the trunk grabbed and started folding our pass-alongs. I turned around and shut the trunk. Only problem was that i had instead of putting the keyes in my pocket had thrown them in the trunk so that i could get the flyers. We were now locked out of our car with an appointment with a potential in an hour. Thankfully I had finally started to figure out the area and knew where some members that lived close by were because the mobile area book with the list was in the car too. Did i mention also that neither one of us grabbed the phone. It was in the car also. So we tried one member they weren't home but we talked with their apartment manager, a nice lady from London, England who kindly lent us the office phone and her computer to look up our Mission-office phone number on Thankfully again our zone leaders were already up there and that they could bring the spare from HQ. Then we walked acros to another members house (weel call him Bro. Ron) who kindly called another member to pick us up and take us too our appointment. After our appointment fell through Bro. Ron who it turned out was having dinner with us came and picked us and afterword drove us to his home where our car was located. With Spare in hand (Our Zone Leaders dropped it off to us at our appointment) we unlocked the car and went home. Now fast -forward to Saturday. At our English class which i was teaching in walk two Koreans, guess where they heard about our class, that is right from the flyers we placed just before i locked the car. So i taught and then at the end i asked a question about eternal families (because the topic was families) and it led to them asking questions about the differences between theirs and our church. Hopefully it will lead to even more questions and discussions in the future!!
Story #2
So this one also begind on Wednesday. This is during the day before the locking of the keyes in the car incident. We were trying to contact a Less active for the Bishop. This was our second-time around. We parked and as we walked up lo and behold their he was cleaning his driveway from the peacock(which i have yet to see) poop. We talked and he told us that he had been thinking about going back to church and that he had talked with his Dad (an active member in Utah) a couple days ago about going back to church and then we showed up. So we invited him out and talked with him and got to know him, then we left. Saturday night we texted him and he said that he would come out. Not just him but with his dad who apparently came out to visit him. Then Sunday came, not only was it Ward Conference and the Stake President spoke who is a very bold man but we had really good lessons in 2nd and 3rd hours and he participated in both!
That was pretty much the week write to y'all next week.
Elder Craner

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