Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aug 5,2013

So this past week we got two more students for our English Class. WOOOO!!!!!!  We also have been advertising like crazy and we hope to be able to continue to do so. It has been a lot of fun teaching English to a bunch of Asians. However the best part is the gospel share during the last part. The spirit gets so strong and you can feel it so much, i just pray that they can too because it will change there lives if they do. As for speaking only Korean in the apartment, i wish. so far i am the one who speaks the most Korean and I'm not the native! However with my companion we did lay out a solid Language Study Plan. One of the goals is to memorize 40 new words a day and so far so good but it is difficult. a lot repetition and that is so boring. Diligence!!! at least that is what i keep telling myself as i stare at flashcards. So the language is coming along well and i cannot believe the amazing spirit i feel every day and the closeness i have been feeling with our Heavenly Father as i read the scriptures and pray everyday. I know that this is something we can all feel as we strive to listen to our God and Father. Whether through His Spirit or His words.
Elder Craner

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