Wednesday, August 14, 2013

July 29,2013

Hello all,
So this week the biggest miracle that I have seen so far is that our relationship with the branch has greatly increased. It happened when we decided to be bold and ask if we could share a message at the ward activity and we did. It went extremely well as we testified if the Book of Mormon we felt the Spirit and we know that they  did too. From that the following day on Sunday we were able to receive four dinner appointments WOOO!!!!! that is four times more than this month! The branch is small and in a language I barely understand but i am slowly learning to love it more and more. We are striving to obtain 3 more appointments with three other families in the branch. I love dinner appointments because it allows us to be able strengthen and uplift members all the while improving our relationship with them I pray that we will continually be able to do this under God and his direction through the Holy Ghost.
Elder Craner
Tell y'all more next week no time sorry.

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