Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 1, 2013

Sorry Mom we just had the baptism. You can still send it if you want i will send you her address in another e-mail. Also did you take that picture with your phone and is the actual picture playing on a slideshow on the TV? Did you get a chance to watch the broadcast? if not, you should watch it with aunt Lynn (Tell her HI and Aunt Becky to send me an email)
So we just had a Baptism and i will send pictures next week. I'm getting better about bringing my camera. I actually brought it today but I forgot my card reader. So next week ye shall see many pictures from me hopefully.
This past week has been good.
Te baptismal service was good and it was full of people from her family and the ward. So we were super excited about that. Her Mom came who was a non-member with her brother (Amanda, the one who was baptized's uncle). So that was good they felt the Spirit and liked it but they are not interested at all.
I had to give a talk in Korean on Sunday. It lasted a whole 3 minutes. YAY! The topic was hard and open-ended though. it was along the lines of say something that will inspire our little Korean branch to do missionary work. There were several non-members there though. So it was good. Then in the English ward third hour we had a QandA session from members to help inspire the English Ward. We are also working with members so that we can help them do their missionary work, so that 1) it will be more effective at bringing souls unto Christ. 2) strengthens the members and 3) We fulfill our purpose. We are trying to do it in a way that we can show our love for them so that they will want to become member missionaries and that they will be excited for it rather than us forcing them to give us referrals and us being "gimme gimme"
We met the new president. His name is President Weidman, i don't know his first name. apparently he is googleable. according to members. But he is very business-like and friendly. So we shall see, i am excited to see the changes and fire that he is going to bring to this mission!
Love y'all
Elder Craner

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