Tuesday, July 23, 2013

June 26, 2013

Hello so this past week we had four investigators to church this Sunday!!!!!!!!! One is getting baptized this coming Sunday and the others are all progressing as well. A mother and a daughter and an investigator, who has been coming to church more so than ever before! I am not sure what the change was but my first transfer in this area and earlier he rarely came except to see his kids in a program and such. Now he comes almost every week and so far the only reason he hasn't is because he has had a recent hip replacement and whenever it was acting up he wouldn't come. However he has been there 9 of the past 11 weeks. He is making his own progress towards baptism because if we push all he does is regress so we just help him along at his own pace but he is so close!!!
The other two investigators. Are amazing tonight the daughter is supposed to be attending mutual and we are hoping we can help encourage her to attend Girl's camp. These are the investigators that fell into our lap and they are progressing so well. In our last lesson with them we asked them something along the lines of "What would you do if this was the true church of Christ on the Earth?" the daughter responded that it would be an honor and that you better join it" and the Mom responded "I'm sold you don't have to try to convince me" So we asked to be baptized and she said that she would but.. she wants to get more involved with the church first and so we shall help her do that thankfully this ward already has many activities and friendly people with whom we can get her involved with. 
Other than that we receive a new mission president tomorrow and we get to meet him on Friday.
Also if you haven't seen the special broadcast yet from last Sunday you need to see it! Go here http://www.lds.org/training/wwlt/2013/hastening/special-broadcast?lang=eng and watch it. It is really good and there are some interesting announcements about technology use and such by Elder Perry.
Elder Craner

If it is not to late. Could you look for the One with the three crosses of my Italy pictures and i owe Zach big then for finding them for me!!
Mom- i am doing fine i really am. i wouldn't put a false face on for anyone. Managing the ADD is hard but manageable and i am getting better at it. I will send pictures as soon as i remember to take it from the apartment on Preparation days.

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