Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 15, 2013

Even bigger news!!!! Thursday morning we were on our way to a service project and the phone went off!!!! dun dun duuun. IT was president Weidman  (our mission president).  He decided that morning that we were going to split the area and that Elder Yoon and I would be going to a new area called Korean C. nothing else changes but we went to from an area that was blooming and becoming awesome to an area with nothing but members who like us but don't really need us, or so they feel right now. We went through the are book for this area and well it took us 30 minutes to contact all the former and potentials and all the branch leaders. However the Branch president is excited to have us as well as our Assistant Ward Mission Leader (actual Branch Mission Leader went less Active because of a fight with another member, we have been forbidden to visit him right now.) So for the Best several days we have set a vision made plans and prepared to become a full-fledged Korean speaking area. Sad thing when we looked at the area book for this area it took us all of like 1 hour to try and contact everybody. So we have an empty book and a long way to go but i am with an amazing Korean Elder, Elder Yoon, and we will turn this place upside down. however on the plus side my Korean will improve because now there is a sense of urgency for it to do so. Sorry this week has been so crazy that I forgot my pictures again. One day i will bring some for y'all. However i have realized that i have a lot to improve on and that all though it will be a long road a lifetime in fact it will be ever so worth it. Right now we are striving to forget ourselves and go to work!.
Elder craner

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